Some of our partners have shared with us that they love getting to come to the camp and volunteer. It is a way for them to be a hands-on part of our ministry that not only benefits the camp but them as well. Whether you are a youth leader looking for a service project or a retiree with skilled hands, there are always projects to work on at the camp. You can give us an afternoon or a whole week; we are thankful for whatever you give us. Below are just a few ways to get in on the fun.
Lookout for any social media posts about specific volunteer opportunities at Camp Otyokwah!
Lookout for any social media posts about specific volunteer opportunities at Camp Otyokwah!
Scheduled Work DaysDuring the Spring, we often schedule large scale workdays on several Saturdays. These days are open to all skill levels with multiple projects taking place. These days are usually scheduled in the morning and are announced via our email notifications, newsletters, and social media. If you want to find out when the next workday is, call the office for more information!
Work ProjectsOften the preference of small groups or youth groups, this form of volunteering is a single project that a group wants to do for the camp as well as to build relationships within their group. Scheduling such a day can be done by contacting the office. Whether it be splitting logs or cleaning a building, or doing grounds work, all of these projects are things that need to be done but don’t generally have time or manpower to do on our own.
Weekday VolunteersOur Director of Operations, Connor, is always working on projects and often can use the help of a skilled adult. His projects are often for a smaller group (1-3 people) who have proficiency with tools and construction, electrical, carpentry, or maintenance. If you would like to do this one time or make it a recurring event, then please know that we all greatly appreciate your willingness to serve with us. If you would like to know what kinds of projects we could use your help on then feel free to call the office and ask.
Summer VolunteersOur busiest time of the year is during the summer. Our mission is to facilitate life-changing experiences that encourage young people to personally grow with God while having fun and connecting with staff and friends. In order for us to fulfil our mission, we understand that we need help. Sometimes we have staff come and go throughout the summer and it is very beneficial for us to have volunteers come and help out on a weekly basis during the summer. Whether it be in the kitchen, grounds work, cleaning, etc. there is definitely a need for volunteers. Please contact us for more information if you are willing to help.
Retreat VolunteersCamp can't be year-round, therefore, we host different retreats throughout the year. Camp Otyokwah's vision is to be a resource to families and provide innovative year-round experiences to help build faith in young people. Sometimes we could use a hand in cleaning and other jobs around camp when retreat groups are using our facilities. Please contact the office for more information on how to volunteer with our retreats